Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 5th- Dublin Day 2


Dublin Castle woman's drawing room.

Dublin Castle

Woke up at 7:30 with the sun still not up.  Had a big breakfast the way the Irish do it.  We are headed through the countryside to Glendalough. There are 15-20 million sheep in Ireland.  There were ancient churches and a cemetery at Glendalough. I took many photos.  We then had lunch at the Glendalough hotel where I enjoyed an amazing bowl seafood soup and a cup of coffee.  Just finished walking through museums and the Dublin Castle! At Dublin Castle I liked the room that was the designated women drawing room.  When people would be invited to the yearly event by the king, they would be separated into three rooms. Single men to the billiards room, the married couples in another room, and lastly the women to their drawing room.  The women stand around the wall of the room waiting all night to be asked to dance, and if they are never asked they stand there throughout the party.  Shows the change in times!  Also, the waitstaff had to whistle while serving the food at all times because this showed they were not sneaking a bite to eat.  Later that night we went to dinner as an entire group and enjoyed a steak with potatoes of course...and can't forget the Guinness.  Brother Ron picked up that tab thankfully.  After dinner we headed to a little pub called the Millennium down the street from our hotel.  Had an amazing time and the bar tender, an old Irish man was more than welcoming treating us to plenty of drinks. 

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